The Role of Technology in Education

The Role of Technology in Education

Feb 6, 2022

Learn about the latest advancements in technology that will revolutionise the way we learn forever.

Technology in education
Technology in education
Technology in education

Today, online shopping sites are one of the most common advertisements on a website, in traditional or modern media or on the street. It took only a few years for online shopping to become widespread in society and to become very advantageous for companies compared to retail outlets in the physical world. So, how will the evolution of the shopping sector in this direction and the continuation of the road continue with innovative steps?

According to the statistics company Navlungo, it is obvious that the online shopping sector, which is observed to increase the expenditures in the shopping sector by 3.5 times compared to traditional and physical shopping


When we get down to the basics of the shopping industry, it is necessary to realize how important the personal communication of the buyer with the seller is. Therefore, for many years, physical shopping was considered ideal, especially for users, for reasons such as the fact that the buyer could examine the product he bought as much as he wished, and that he could trust in the exchange and return of the product in case of any problems that might occur with the product, thanks to the communication he established with the seller.

According to the statistics company Navlungo, it is obvious that the online shopping sector, which is observed to increase the expenditures in the shopping sector by 3.5 times compared to traditional and physical shopping


However, of course, there were also disadvantages of physical shopping for both the seller and the buyer. Of course, the first of these is the disadvantage of real estate prices brought to companies by the necessity of having a physical center. Again, when examined from the point of view of companies, the wages given to the sales personnel, which vary depending on the quantity and quality of the products in the physical centers, but which are inevitable, can be considered as one of the important problems experienced by the companies at the retail sales points. On the other hand, one of the most important reasons for the rapid growth of this sector, especially in the last 3 years, is the physical boundaries problem experienced by buyers. Whatever the need, the buyer must be physically present at any retail point to reach the desired product. Therefore, this situation cost the user both a significant amount of time and physical effort. At this point, while the problem mentioned was a subject that was talked about a lot a few years ago, but much less solutions were produced, humanity was hit hard in the face of humanity during the pandemic that affected the whole world, and the importance of online shopping was understood.


20% INCREASE BETWEEN 2019–2020!

So much so that in this period, the volume of E-Commerce in the world, which has been increasing regularly every year since 2014, increased from $ 3.35 trillion to $ 4.28 trillion with a 20% jump between 2019 and 2020. Aside from admitting that this process was triggered by a sad event, it should not be ignored how beneficial it is for both companies and users. So much so that people can now buy their needs from their phones and computers in just a few minutes without having to go to a physical center to shop, and they can have as many ideas as they want about the features of the product from the detailed comments on the site. Moreover, beyond the physical impossibilities, another benefit of this technology to users is that stores can view thousands of products on a single site, regardless of their square meters. Of course, this has also provided a significant benefit to companies because they no longer have to spend a significant part of their store revenues on the real estate costs of their physical center. Thanks to this situation, they can both enable many more customers to be in shopping centers at the same time, and significantly increase the time they are in shopping centers. Moreover, in the long run, these advantages can be achieved with a much smaller amount of expense. Of course, in addition to all these advantages, there are also some disadvantages that this situation brings. However, the technology of the new world, Metaverse, comes to the aid of both companies and users at this point.


First of all, the most common complaint of customers, especially in the clothing industry, when shopping online is that they cannot examine the physical stance and appearance of the products. However, with the metaverse worlds using avatars that are getting closer to their physical human appearance every day and combining these avatars with AR and VR technologies, users will be able to experience the same experience as they would in a physical store. Knowing that the E-Commerce industry will bring a revolutionary change to the clothing industry, world-class companies such as Nike, Balanciaga and H&M have started to invest in Metaverse universes and open stores there. On the other hand, another important advantage of the stores that are set up and created in the Metaverse universes is that they have the chance to create a more special bond with their users with their unique innovative store designs by separating their ties from their physical boundaries in terms of architecture. Of course, at this point, the metaverse universe that companies will prefer is of great importance.


Atlas Space, which was created with the idea of ​​providing solutions to the problems of professional business life and offering a unique experience to its guests with innovative business ideas, also offers a great opportunity to brands that want to be included in its universe. With hundreds of store areas in Iris Plaza in the Atlas Space universe, it not only allows users to experience the shopping experience they want in a single space without getting lost among different places, but also creates a market by enabling brands with similar content and products to meet at a common point.


Moreover, in the Atlas Space universe, modern shopping scales such as Ethereum and Solana can be used, with the token that will be specially produced for Atlas Space, as well as with credit cards and bank accounts during the transition process, and of course, users can shop with the most up-to-date security developed specifically for E-Commerce activities. systems, they will be comfortable with their personal information.

In our previous article, the process of Meta Universes becoming the popular topic of our day and future, the unlimited possibilities of Atlas Space and the economy of the new world: cryptocurrencies were mentioned in the Atlas Space Blog, and in the coming weeks, one of the other important topics of the digital worlds, the past and present of NFT culture, the Digitalization in Education. Differences will be discussed. In order not to miss all these articles, do not forget to subscribe to the Atlas Space Medium Blog page. For all your questions and comments, you can contact us at the following social media addresses.

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Today, online shopping sites are one of the most common advertisements on a website, in traditional or modern media or on the street. It took only a few years for online shopping to become widespread in society and to become very advantageous for companies compared to retail outlets in the physical world. So, how will the evolution of the shopping sector in this direction and the continuation of the road continue with innovative steps?


